Navigating PArenthood with (trace amounts of) Style

My name is Alexis and thanks for visiting my page. If you’re here, I’m going to guess that you have a little one, like me. When my baby was first born, I entered into motherhood without a single clue how to take care of a baby and raise a child. All my siblings are way older than I am, so I had no experience with little kids at all. Sure, I have young nieces but had never been their primary caretaker, nor been responsible for them other than occasional babysitting gigs.

One of the thoughts I had in the hospital after giving birth was, “Are they really going to let me leave the hospital with this baby?!” Full of love but utterly clueless, I fumbled around trying to figure out how to change a diaper and trying my hardest not to give up on nursing the very first day. 

Some time has passed since then, and I am now the mother of a wild 2-year-old toddler. I’ve managed to keep this magnificent little human alive, healthy, and safe, and I couldn’t be more happy.

Parenting is almost entirely different than I had expected it to be. Pre-motherhood, I thought a lot about how I would raise my child and what kinds of values I would try to instill in them, but I failed to realize that the earliest few years of parenthood are mostly about survival. That’s what this little blog is all about - getting through these earliest, wildest years in one piece. It’s not easy to be needed all the time, but it is worth it.

I will now be posting new content every Friday. To see all of my articles, click here.

Me and  my squishy little newborn, January 2023