10 Screen-Less Activities the Kids Will Probably Enjoy
I will start this article with a disclaimer - I am not anti-screen whatsoever. In fact, Bluey and Ms. Rachel are regular (and very welcome) guests in our home. There is a lot of hype these days about how horrible screen time is, and how bad of a parent you must be to let your little ones watch anything at all. I’m no expert of course, but I really don’t buy it. Growing up, there was almost always a TV running in the background, whether we were watching or not. Nonetheless, I grew up to be a pretty normal, functioning adult. When I’m by myself I rarely bother watching TV at all. I think that, like all great things, moderation is key. TV, phones, and iPads are (probably) just fine as long as we don’t use them all the time.
I occasionally will turn everything off to see how my daughter reacts, and she’s always fine. She has never once complained/had a tantrum when a screen has been taken away. If/when she starts doing that, I may start being a little more wary about screens. But for now, I will sing praises for Ms. Rachel all day long. Thanks to her, Bebe is extremely verbal for her age - I can’t even count how many words she can say at 16 months old. She has also learned some sign language, something I would not have even thought of without Ms. Rachel. In turn, I have learned so many songs, dances, and teaching methods as a result of watching all of these shows, so Bebe is always learning, even when the TV is off.
With all of that being said, balance is important and I strongly believe that non-screen activities are necessary. Being able to unplug for a good amount of time each day fosters creativity, and critical-thinking skills, in my opinion.
The following are some activities that we engage in regularly that require no screens (or even electricity for most of them):
Coloring. This is probably my favorite activity to do with Bebe. My partner and I bought her a little easel so that she could easily draw on a piece of paper with her jumbo-sized crayons. Because of this activity, Bebe has learned how to properly hold a writing utensil - between her thumb and forefinger, rather than with her whole hand. Coloring is a bit nostalgic and calming for me, too. So, it’s a win-win.
Stickers! This is probably Bebe’s favorite activity; she can never get enough. We have some sticker books, and she loves to pick out stickers and put them in that book, or on us! When we’re done with sticker time, my partner and I are usually covered in them.
Books/Reading. Admittedly, it’s a bit difficult right now to read to Bebe, because she just wants to look at the pictures and won’t stay still long enough for me to be able to read to her. But, I still try all the time. She has several little board books that show colors, numbers, and/or animals, and they seem to hold her attention for a while.
Running around/chasing. Bebe loves to be chased and doesn’t ever get tired. As she runs away from us, she is always laughing uncontrollably. This activity also gives us a little workout, which is a bonus.
Playing with toys. The simplicity of just playing with good old-fashioned toys is so underrated. Something I often do is stack some blocks as high as I can, just for Bebe to knock them all down. Sometimes, my partner and I will compete with each other to see whose block stack Bebe will destroy first. Now that Bebe is a little older, she has learned to stack blocks herself.
Throw a ball around. We have a small, soft, volleyball-style ball that we like to throw around with Bebe. She will either go catch it and give it back, or she’ll throw it herself. We also have a beach ball that she likes to throw around; I don’t know how/when we got that ball, but it’s not uncommon for random toys to show up in our house.
Chores. Housework is never completely done in our household. There is always something that needs to be cleaned, organized, or picked up. Sometimes, I will clean up the house with Bebe following closely behind and we still have a great time. With some guidance, she can even drag her hamper to the laundry room (it’s small and not too heavy). Never too early to teach cleaning skills!
Take a walk. I love walking in general, but it’s extra fun whenever I bring Bebe with me in her stroller. It’s a great chance for us to get outside, absorb the scenery, and unplug for a while. Bebe always seems to enjoy it herself and doesn’t ever really complain. Sadly, we are both quite fair-skinned and burn easily (especially under the Florida sun), so I try not to walk for more than 30 minutes when I have Bebe with me.
Pool. It’s a little tricky getting Bebe to the pool since she needs floaties, her swimming diapers, a ton of sunblock, a hat, sunglasses, and a bathing suit that fits (she grows out of clothes SO fast). But, whenever we do make it to the pool, we have a great time. Since we live in Florida, we have been considering taking her for swim lessons.
Dance party! This one will require some kind of electronic, but not necessarily a screen. Just look up a Disney playlist in Spotify, pick a song, and start moving! Not only are dance parties fun, but they’re a good work0ut, and will make for some fantastic memories for you and your family.
At the end of the day, it’s not difficult to entertain toddlers, and screens are a luxury - not a necessity. In fact, our kids don’t need very much from us - just our love and attention.
XOXO, Alexis.