10 Fun Activities to Do with Your Kid(s) At Home

So, it’s raining outside. Or, you live in Florida so there’s a hurricane coming (which is business as usual in the great Sunshine State). Or, perhaps you and your family simply do not feel like leaving the house, which is valid. You are probably totally okay with lounging around, watching a movie, or listening to your current podcast, but your small kid(s) will probably complain about being bored at some point. Unless they are teenagers - in that case, they will just want to be left alone, probably.

I know my toddler would never dream of letting us sit on the couch, relaxing, for more than a whole minute. So, I’ve compiled some fun activities for you and your kids to do at home, that could cover everything from toddler age to maybe age 12. While these activities may not seem like a big deal to you, your kids will remember and will appreciate the time you poured into them. It’s never a bad idea to give your kiddos your undivided attention while participating in an activity that they love doing. Don’t forget the snacks/beverages, too!

  1. Watch Movies/Shows. You really can’t go wrong with this one if your kid is 7+ years old, or if you were blessed with a calm smaller child. Here are some of my favorite family-friendly movies/shows, in no particular order (spoiler alert - they’re mostly Disney movies):

    • The Super Mario Bros. Movie - I couldn’t handle how cute this movie was. And, since it’s so colorful and engaging, Bebe enjoyed it herself and sat through most of it!

    • Harry Potter - all of the movies, if you have the time. These might be better suited for the 8+ age range.

    • The Little Mermaid

    • Beauty and the Beast - this may potentially be a hot take, but the live-action version trumps the original, in my opinion.

    • Frozen - when my stepdaughter was a little kid, we all used to watch Frozen over and over again and I still have the whole soundtrack memorized. I associate this movie with great memories, and I can’t wait for Bebe to go through her Frozen era (fingers crossed).

    • Inside Out - I’m no psychologist, but I imagine this movie could probably help children navigate their emotions.

    • Addams Family Values - a quick little fun fact: On Halloween in 2018, my partner and I dressed up as Gomez & Morticia. We love anything spooky/kinda dark.

    • Aladdin

    • The Lion King - I am now in my 30s and still cannot sit through this movie with dry eyes.

    • The Lizzie McGuire Movie - one of the best movies of all time, tbh.

    • Any of the High School Musical movies

  2. Video Games - I’m not much of a gamer myself, but I can see that there is some value in them, particularly in improving hand-eye coordination and exercising your child’s problem-solving skills. Just like anything else, moderation is key. Here are some (probably) kid-friendly video games:

    • Pac-Man/Ms. Pac-Man - this is probably the oldest game on the planet, but it’s so simple and challenging at the same time, that it’s perfect for kids.

    • The Sims! (apparently people are still playing this game in 2024, and I am totally here for it). This one might be better for the older kiddos.

    • Any Mario game; there are too many for me to list here. You’re not going to find a video game more family-friendly than these games.

    • Minecraft

    • Animal Crossing

  3. Puzzles

  4. Hide & Seek - this game gives me anxiety, but more power to you if your family loves it.

  5. Pillow Forts - is there anything more classically fun than pillow forts? Bonus points if you make the floor lava at the same time.

  6. Board Games - this could include card games as well.

    • Apples to Apples - one of my favorites as a kid.

    • Uno - it’s never too early to teach your children there are no alliances in Uno.

    • Monopoly - you can play a shortened version of the game, of course. I don’t even have the attention span to finish this game as a fully-grown adult.

    • Clue

    • Operation

    • Guess Who? - this game is seriously underrated, in my opinion.

    • BATTLESHIP - I really felt like a military strategist as a kid, playing this game in the early 2000s.

  7. Literally, Just Chase Your Child Around the House. This one is mostly for my toddler parents out there. Bebe is going on 15 months this month and there is never a time when she does not feel like being chased around the house. This activity could serve a few purposes - you get the joy, bonding, and laughter out of it, it gets you off the couch (we can all use a little more exercise), and if you keep at it long enough, you’ll tire your little one out. Maybe you’ll even be blessed with a good, long nap afterward.

  8. Roll Around on the Floor - again, this might work best if you have a toddler(s). And if your little one is like mine, this will turn into them jumping on you repeatedly while you’re on the ground. Sweet, sweet memories.

  9. Contact Family Members via FaceTime, Zoom, etc. w/Your Kids. Bebe always comes running when she hears the FaceTime sound. We love to call her aunties and grandma!

  10. Baking - it’s scientifically impossible to be unhappy when there are fresh-baked cookies in the house. Bonus points if you make a game out of this activity, i.e. whoever makes the biggest cookies gets a prize (or something along those lines).

XOXO, Alexis


20 Fun + Safe Activities to Do With Your Kid(s) Outside


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